Welcome brave human.
You are enough and you belong, exactly as you are. Your very creation is evidence that you are worthy of connection, belonging … of being alive.
Our Purpose
Welcome to BRAVE HUMANITY. We are so grateful you are here. Our names are Natalie and Kyla, and we are Registered Psychologists in the province of Alberta. We have joined together to create BRAVE HUMANITY, to participate in the revolution to rehumanize being human.
BRAVE HUMANITY’s mission is to share the journey of returning to a loving relationship with oneself and all of life through discovering and deeply trusting these truths anchored in our human design:
We were created with the capacity to heal.
As is, we have always been and always will be enough.
We were created inherently worthy and whole; our varied life experiences neither add to nor subtract from this.
Embodying a loving, curious, and compassionate relationship with ourselves and all life IS healing.
If you’re struggling, know that we do too. Welcome Brave Human, you are not alone. ALL of you belongs.
BRAVE HUMANITY is about honoring the wisdom of our creation. To know that bravery is not about overriding our limits, overcoming our challenges, powering through or being fearless. Bravery is showing up authentically, discovering our deepest truths and moving towards living in greater alignment with them. Through acknowledging both our unique and our universal struggles as humans, in light of our capable and intelligent human design, we see that we are equipped with everything we need for the journey.
We want to share what we have learned about our inherent wholeness, worthiness, and human capacity and walk alongside you as you remember, reconnect with, and reclaim these truths. We hope to inspire a collective movement towards greater acceptance, compassion, and empowerment. We have experienced the magic of being witnessed and believed in our stories and we hope through journeying with us, that you too, will begin to experience more freedom and courage to embrace all that is alive in you.
Registered Psychologist,
Registered Psychologist,
“We have to belong to ourselves as much as we need to belong to others. Any belonging that asks us to betray ourselves is not true belonging.”
Begin the journey of reclaiming your aliveness.